Supporting Fine Motor and Pre-Writing Skills Learnigo Blog Header Image

Summer Learning with Learnigo #3: Supporting Fine Motor and Pre-Writing Skills

☀️Summer Learning Made Fun: Supporting Fine Motor and Pre-Writing Skills with Learnigo☀️

Dive into summer with fun activities and games to continue developing occupational therapy skills all year long! At Learnigo, we offer a variety of summer-themed tips and tricks to keep children engaged

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Summer Learning with Learnigo #2: Speech and Language Skills

Summer Learning Made Fun: Let’s Keep Up Our Speech and Language Skills this Summer!

Did you know that June is Effective Communication Month? This month highlights the importance of all forms of communication and their power to connect us. And what a perfect time

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Handwriting Blog Header Image

Learnigo Product Feature: Handwriting Program

Learnigo's Handwriting Program

Handwriting is fundamental to education, and its mastery is vital for a child’s academic achievement. Fundamentally, writing is a motor activity. It evolves from movement and is refined through practice. This is how we develop graphomotor skills.

Handwriting legibility, participation, and

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Visual Perception Program Header Image

Learnigo Product Feature: Visual Perception

Learnigo's Visual Perception Program

Visual perception in occupational therapy is defined as a child’s ability to make sense of and interpret what they see (Stanton, 1968).

Key aspects of visual perception critical for children's development and learning include:

  • Figure and background perception
  • Constancy perception
  • Perception of object

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Focus and Memory Program Feature Image Header Image

Learnigo Product Feature: Focus and Memory Program

Learnigo's Focus and Memory Program

We know that focus and memory are important, but did you know that memory can affect attention? (Cowan et al., 2024). Because we can only focus on so many things at a time, our memories are stored based

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Articulation Program Feature Image Header Image

Learnigo Product Feature: Articulation Program

Learnigo's Articulation Program

Welcome back, Learnigo Learner!

Let’s learn about Learnigo’s Articulation Program, one of the most comprehensive articulation products available to SLPs. This program is part of Learnigo’s ultimate online resource library, featuring thousands of engaging activities to help students learn and

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