Summer Learning With Learnigo Math and Communication Skills Blog Header

Summer Learning With Learnigo #1: Math & Communication Skills

☀️Summer Learning Made Fun: Supporting Math and Communication Skills with Learnigo☀️

As the school year comes to a close, many parents and teachers are eager to keep the learning momentum going. The trick is to find engaging and practical ways for children to practice essential skills. Learnigo offers a wide range of products that make practicing math and language skills fun and effective. This blog post will share tips on how to support communication and math skills with easy-to-implement activities in addition to Learnigo activities.

1. Speech in the Social Context: Enhancing Social Communication Skills

Screenshot example of speech in the social context activity by Learnigo

Our Speech in the Social Context program was created to help children develop their communication skills through interactive social scenarios. It is designed to work with children with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, and other communication difficulties. Children have the opportunity to practice expressive language skills within social contexts in a variety of digital activities. Here’s how you can foster social skills over the summer:

  • Daily Conversations: Encourage your child to engage in conversations using the scenarios provided in the Messages and Communication module. Whether it’s pretending to order food at a restaurant or chatting with a friend at a park, these activities help build vocabulary and conversational skills.
  • Role-Playing Games: Set up mini role-playing sessions at home where you and your child take turns acting out different emotions. Use the Emotions module in the program as a guide. This not only makes learning fun but also enhances their ability to express themselves clearly and confidently.
  • Storytelling Sessions: Use Cartoons,Sequence, Cause and Effect from Learnigo to create storytelling sessions. Have your child narrate a story based on the scenarios. This activity boosts their imagination and helps in structuring their thoughts coherently.

Check out this free lesson plan based on the program here!

2. Dyscalculia: Strengthening Math Skills

Screenshot example of dyscalculia activity by Learnigo

Math can be a challenging subject for many students, especially those with dyscalculia. The program is a set of interactive exercises designed for children who need support in the areas of critical thinking and mathematical skills.

  • Interactive Math Games: Learnigo offers a variety of interactive games that target specific areas of difficulty in math. Spend a few minutes each day playing these games with your child. For example: Use the One to many module for practice. The visual and hands-on approach makes abstract concepts more tangible.
  • Real-Life Math Problems: Incorporate math into daily activities. Use the Measure up module to practice measuring common items. Whether it’s cooking, shopping, or planning a trip, ask your child to help with measurements, budgeting, and time management. These practical applications reinforce mathematical concepts and show how they are used in real life.
  • Consistent Practice: Regular practice is crucial. Set aside a dedicated time each day for math activities using Learnigo’s resources. The consistency helps in reinforcing skills and building confidence.

3. Creating a Balanced Routine

It’s important to strike a balance between learning and relaxation during the summer. Here’s a simple routine to consider:

  • Morning Learning Sessions: Start the day with short, focused learning sessions. Use Learnigo’s programs for about 30 minutes each. There are over 7,000 activities you can choose for warm ups, so you’ll never run out of activities this summer! 
  • Afternoon Adventures: Engage in outdoor activities and play. This not only keeps your child active but also provides opportunities for informal learning.

Evening Reflections: End the day with a storytelling session or a family discussion, using scenarios from Speech in the Social Context program to prompt conversations.

4. Monitoring Progress and Celebrating Achievements

Screenshot example of Learnigo's data tracking tool

Keep track of your child’s progress over the summer. At the end of each Learnigo session print out the progress monitoring report. Use the progress monitoring report to measure their success. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement encourages continuous learning and boosts their confidence.

By integrating Learnigo’s products into your summer routine, you can ensure that your child continues to develop their math and  communication skills in a fun, engaging, and meaningful way. Enjoy the summer, and happy learning!