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Learnigo Product Feature: Developing Life Skills Program

Learnigo's Developing Life Skills Program

Hello Learnigo Learners,

Students on the autism spectrum or students with intellectual disabilities, ADHD, and other disabilities benefit from extra support in developing life skills.

Based on the ICD-11 classification, these students struggle with establishing relationships, maintaining social interaction, and social communication (World Health Organization, 2024).

At the same time, young people between the ages of 10 and 18 go through significant life changes, such as:

  • Increased academic changes, such as new subjects as well as more frequent changes between classrooms, peers, and teachers.

In this model, each dimension is interconnected, reflecting the holistic nature of human experience. Together, these elements create a balanced framework for understanding how individuals engage with both their inner selves and the world around them.

The Learnigo EDU: Developing Life Skills – Older Students program is divided into four similar areas:

1) Body/Emotions, 

2) Relations/Contact, 

3) Thinking, 

4) Action

Example of Life Skill Model
The Learnigo EDU: Developing Life Skills - Older Students covers the key areas above


In the BODY/EMOTIONS section of the program, the activities focus on building self-awareness in the area of the body and senses. 

Furthermore, they provide opportunities to work on identifying emotions, naming them, and building self-regulation strategies. This is the first area that significantly influences the process of building confidence. 

Examples of goals that we can work on in this section are:

  • the body sensations, 
  • feeling the body in space,
  • developing self-confidence,  
  • creating an adequate self-image.
  • Identifying one’s own mood

Relations/Contact 👏

The second part of the program concerns RELATIONS. Exercises in this chapter create an understanding of the needs of others. 

The activities prepare students to participate in social life and build relationships.

These activities can be used while working on:

  • recognizing and accepting diversity
  •  noticing one’s needs and the needs of others,
  • developing communication skills,
  • understanding the complexities of social life,
  • reacting in different situations involving another person


In the third section of the Learnigo EDU: Developing Life Skills – Older Students program, teachers and students will find tasks concerning THINKING. 

The goal of this section is for students, with the support of teachers, to experience and understand that they can develop in this area if they know how their personal “operating system” works. 

Students can build the skills necessary to navigate complex situations more confidently and apply these insights daily. This personalized approach empowers them to take ownership of their growth and progress. 

Students will be able to work on: 

  • developing attentiveness,
  • concentrating their attention,
  • forming positive thinking,
  • dealing with difficult thoughts


The fourth part of the Learnigo EDU: Developing Life Skills – Older Students program addresses the benefits of developing clear and predictable routines/structures.

We should keep in mind that, for students on the spectrum, these will be important needs regardless of age. With older students, we can demonstrate that they are capable of making plans, organizing activities, and taking breaks. 

 Here, you will find games and activities that can help students to:

  • implement plans independently,
  • interpret information,
  • become more familiar with their patterns of thinking,
  • create their own strategies and plans.

Examples of selected activities from the Learnigo Developing Life Skills program:

From Learnigo's Program Body Emotions-Self-confidence (7)
From: Body Emotions-Self-confidence (7)
From Learnigo's Program Relations/Contact- Social Situations (12)
From Relations/Contact- Social Situations (12)
From Learnigo's Program Thinking-Focus and attention (2)
From: Thinking-Focus and attention (2)
From Learnigo's Program Action-Responsibilities (6)
From: Action-Responsibilities (6)
The Developing Life Skills program features:
  • 600 systematically organized online activities in addition to worksheets especially created for older students requiring support in the areas of social and life skills. 
  • Tasks that support the special education teacher, psychologist, therapist, or teacher working with older students on the autism spectrum, intellectual disabilities, and other disorders that require support for multiple areas of social and life skills. 
  • Evidence-based activities reviewed by a group of professionals who trialed a demo version of the activities and provided feedback for improvement.  
  • Materials prepared by a specialized team of special educators, therapists, and linguists with experience working with neurodiverse students.
Engaging Activities for Successful Learning 🏆

 Each activity includes:

  •  auditory feedback indicating correct/incorrect responses and visual feedback (animation) upon completing 100% of a countable exercise
  •  a graphic progress bar at the bottom of the screen filling up with color to indicate how much of the task is left to complete
  •  separate summary report at the end of each activity set detailing the target, percentage of accuracy and/or completion, and level of support. 

The Developing Life Skills program by Learnigo is designed to support older students on the autism spectrum, those with intellectual disabilities, and others whose disabilities affect social functioning and life skills. 

This program is also excellent for therapists, psychologists, and teachers working with students with disabilities. This program is an extensive collection of interactive exercises accessible on most devices with internet access. Adaptable and flexible, the activities can be used for in-person learning, 1:1 or small group, and distance learning.

Get access to the entire Developing Life Skills  program (as well as our other programs for therapists and educators) with our Free Trial

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Remmers, A. (2017). Positive transcultural psychotherapy and its place within the psychotherapy field. Wiesbaden, 28.2.

World Health Organization. (2024). International classification of diseases for mortality and morbidity statistics (ICD-11). World Health   Organization.